Notice of Irish Centre AGM – 30/11/24


Saturday 30 November 2.00 for 2.30pm 

Nottingham Irish Centre Members Bar 

This is an important and exciting time for Nottingham Irish Centre. We recently received a substantial grant from the National Lottery Community Fund to extend the Community Outreach Programme and employ an Office Manager.  

There are also developments related to the sale of part of the premises, number four Wilford St. and the car park. At the time of writing these developments are ongoing and we hope to be able to tell you about the outcome at the AGM. When the sale goes through, we will use the funds to renovate and extend number two (the building with the Members Bar), and to expand our services to the membership and the Irish community in general. 

We want you, the members of the Irish Centre, to be involved in these developments and the AGM is the place to make your voice heard. If you want to become more actively involved, we will be electing Trustees at the AGM who will oversee and direct the governance and running of the Irish Centre. 

The AGM is for members of Nottingham Irish Centre who will be entitled to vote at the meeting. If you are not a member you can apply to join at the AGM but you will not be entitled to vote until your membership is accepted by the Board of Trustees.